Karyn Lewis, co-author of the study and director of the Center for School and Student Progress at NWEA, according to the release. “COVID-19 may no longer be an emergency, but we are very much still dealing with the fallout from the crisis,” said Dr. Starfalls second grade math activities focus on place value, strategies for addition and subtraction, number lines, equal groups of objects as a foundation for multiplication, and real-world applications that will help students understand word problems. Among those students, Black and Hispanic students “ remain furthest from recovery,” the release said. The study found that students need an additional 4.1 months to catch up in reading and 4.5 months of additional instruction to catch up in math. They eat peanut butter and honey sand wiches and. Starfall is publically-funded non-profit educational program which was originally launched in 2002 as a reading program for young children. They like to have picnics in the park when it is warm and sunny. The performance gap widened in some grades when comparing students affected by Covid-19 and those before the pandemic, the data showed. Starfall Kindergarten 12 Area 10 Comprehension Record the passage below on an audio cassette, reading with fluency and expression, and play it for the child, or simply read the passage aloud.

The study used data from 6.7 million public school students from grades 3-8, the release said.Īccording to the study, “In nearly all grades, achievement gains during 2022-23 fell short of prepandemic trends, which stalled progress toward pandemic recovery.” Test scores for 13-year-olds drop several points since the start of pandemic, building on decade-long decline, report says

Evert Nelson/The Capital-Journal/USA Today Network Sixth-grade students in Topeka, Kansas, set up their lockers on the first day of classes in August 2022.